Player FAQ

Remember, you can always type "FAQ" in game to answer some common questions.

   Quick answer index:

How do I communicate?

What commands do I have?

How do I join a guild?

How do I check my health?

How do I advance?

How many levels are there?

What are skills?

What are stats?

What are quests?

What are deeds?

How big is this world?

What is a good area to kill in?

How do I tell how strong a monster is?

What is player killing?

What is a High Mortal?

What is an Immortal?

A guide to a newcomer's most frequently asked questions...

How do I communicate with other players?
There are three basic ways to communicate on the Realms of Chaos MUD. The first is to use the say command. When you say something, your message will be heard by everyone in the room you are in. The second way is to use a tell command. This allows you to send a message to any player on the mud (try typing "who") by simply typing "tell whatever". The third way is to communicate on channel. This will broadcast your message to anyone on the channel you are speaking on, IE "newbie whatever" would broadcast the message 'whatever' to everyone listening to the newbie channel. All guilds and races have their own channel as well.

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What commands do I have?
To see your commands related to your guild, try "classcmds". To see commands related to your race, try "racecmds".

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How do I join a guild?
You must find a guild hall. There are several guilds on RoC. Fighters, Monks, Mages, Rangers, Clerics, Rogues, Kataans, Necromancers, and Psionicists all have a guild hall in Krenlock. However, finding these halls may prove to be a task within themselves. Grab a map of the city from the church where you start and "look map" to start exploring.

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How do I check my health?
Try typing "report". For a health and limb check type "report /b". If you prefer to have your health information in your prompt, try typing "prompt on" and it will be enabled on your next login.

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How do I advance in levels?
You must accumulate the necessary amount of experience points for the next level. Use the "exp" command to discover how many experience points you have left. The amount which is 'free from last' is used to train skills, mentioned below. Experience is gained primarily through combat, but can also be rewarded for successful completion of a quest or deed.

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How many levels are there?
There is no maximum level on RoC. However, the highest level any player has ever attained is 77.

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What are skills?
Skills are critical to unlocking classcmds and improving existing commands. To train them, you must spend experience free from your last level. Type "skills" to see your existing skill levels. Type "skills cost" to see how much it is to train one point of any particular skill. While in your guild hall or at the adventurers hall (2 north from church), you may train your skills by typing "train ". For example, "train conjuring 250" would train conjuring 250 points, assuming that skill is trainable by your class.

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What are stats?
Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Stregnth, Wisdom, and Intelligence. You start with a base amount at character creation which you roll for. Stat points increase core abilities as they rise. Items which increase stat points are rare but do exist. You have the opportunity to raise one stat by one point permanantly each time you level. Type "saystats" to see yours at any time.

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What are quests?
Quests are orders you receive from your guild hall. Though it is rare, there are times when you must quest in order to advance.

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What are deeds?
Deeds are essentially quests found outside your guildhall. There are literally hundreds of deeds and it is up to you to discover them for yourself.

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How big is this world?
The world is huge. Currently over 15,000 rooms in size. A merger is planned with the rooms of a development lib which will increase this to close to 20,000 in the near future. This will likely be in the form of a new continent.

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What is a good area to kill in?
You are likely to find them as you go along, but as a newbie, you are probably best entering the "newbie forest" just west of town. It includes many monsters that are excellent experience for your level and a guard, Jennifer, who prevents higher level mortals from entering. You get a 10% bonus on the sale price of everything sold at Bob's, so make sure you find him inside. Also included in the newbie forest is a nearby newbie desert, a tree full of elflings, a mother who keeps all of her brood in a shoe, and several other items of enticement... including a baby copper dragon which you may be fortunate enough to kill!

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How do I tell how strong a monster is relative to me?
Glad you asked (: You can always "query ". IE, if you are thinking about attacking an orc in the room, try "query orc" and a number will be returned to you. Anything over the number 1, and it may be too strong. Anything that queries a 2 is twice as strong as you are, and so on and so forth.

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What is Player Killing?
Player Kiling, also known as PK, can be legal on RoC, but only under certain guidelines. While in the game, type "help pk" for all the details.

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What is a High Mortal?
A High Mortal is any player who has attained the level of 30. High Mortals are afforded private quarters and new commands, as well as the highest stature in the game.

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What is an Immortal?
An immortal is a member of RoC's staff. Immortals build the world, maintain the lib, and improve the mud quality.

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